American Industrial Machinery Since 1870

After many years of research, I finally completed this book. The section on Printing Machinery will be of special interest, since it illustrates or mentions virtually every linecaster, with detailed history of most Linotype and Intertype models. There are also many pages of presses, including numerous newspaper presses, plus folders, cutters, and related equipment. This 416 page book has a first printing of 1,000 copies, it is hardbound, and also has extensive coverage of Construction Machinery, Machine Tools (including Mergenthaler’s Milling Machine), Sawmills, and Steam Engines (this is the only comprehensive history of stationary steam engines ever published). We expect these from the printer by the end of March. Order your numbered copy today. The book is $55.00 postpaid from: C. H. Wendel, 4415 F Street, Amana, Iowa 52203.

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Linotype model1.jpg