Getting started

14 listings  
As designers we decided to rescue tools of the past in order to capture all the creativity of...
Welcome to the wonderful world of letterpress printing! So begins one of the best overviews of...
[Update: This address is no longer be valid. —Eds.] Dave Bossard has made a helpful site for...
Fine Letterpress Printing and Design
Loudoun County, Virginia
Getting started in letterpress? Confused about what press you should buy? Here is another opinion...
This detailed FAQ, drawn from the Letterpress...
Hand Printing: a Basic Manual, covers the process of making a greeting card and includes the steps...
[Update: This website is closed. —Eds.]
Handpress is the website of Richard-Gabriel...
The Kelsey Company of Meriden, Ct., manufactured and sold printing presses and supplies until 1990....
A letterpress discussion list. Letpress is an ongoing conversation among 1000 printers and...
Letterpress South Africa A community portal for all information pertaining to Letterpress printing...
A glossary of printing and typographical terms by Tom Davis of Birmingham University.
Written by Herbert Simon and Harry Carter, published by The Driad Press, 1931; 1947. This is a...
“Printing for School and Shop - A Textbook for Printers’ Apprentices, Continuation...