font question

Can anybody identify attached fonts?

image: 1.jpg


image: 2.jpg


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A very useful site for the identification of script typefaces is


The font on the 1st picture I don’t know. Looks too modern font by the alternated and terminations. Beautiful.
On the 2nd picture the script is Bitstream Shelley Andante, the gothic appears to be Engravers Gothic, also BT.

The sample copies furnished are COMPUTER-generated;
they will NOT be found in any typefounders catalogs
current or vintage that are of the “hot metal” variety——-
before the age of computers these were classified as
“phototype” creations.

That first one must have been done by a calligrapher and then scanned in in order to make a plate.

“That first one must have been done by a calligrapher and then scanned in in order to make a plate.”

I believe you are correct. The four capital As, for example, all have slightly different crossbars. There are other small variations, but that’s the one that stood out to me.