Vandercook type press with the badge SRL on it

I work in a printers, now digital but used to be letterpress.

I was rooting around the other day and found a Vandercook style press but with the badge SRL on one end.

Is anyone able to identify this press for me?



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SRL stands for Sydney R. Littlejohn which was a London printing equipment manufacturer. Their No. 2 and Type 105 presses (with and adjustable bed and swing out paper shelves beneath the feed board) is nearly identical to a later model Vandercook 219.

Also: c.1960 Western Printing Equipment in Reading built a 219 under license from Vandercook. See my blog post “British-built Vandercooks”:

SRL was the UK firm Sidney R Littlejohn. Their presses are nearly but not entirely identical to Vandercook presses, perhaps done under license. See (particularly the other brands section), and see the brief discussion on Vanderblog.

I should mention that it was Eric (parallel_imp) who first informed me about Littlejohn and provided a print ad from The Penrose Annual. Other images of SRL presses can be found in The British Printer Catalog: Specification Manual of Printing Machinery (1961).

Thanks for your help guys!!
I couldn’t find out anything at all about them.

So, do they fetch around the same price as a vandercook?


Karl, you should be able to buy presses cheaper in the UK than in the US, but you might have to do a bit more searching. There have been lots of similar machines in the UK in use. Check out the BPS.