Moveable Notched Comb for Signpress Press/Type Bars

I recently acquired a Signpress Tabletop Press and it is missing the moveable notched comb. Can anyone tell me where to find these type of parts? Or, do you recommend something that can be used in place of this part? Letterpress newbie, any help you all can provide would be appreciated.

image: Screen Shot 2016-02-29 at 9.23.41 AM.png

Screen Shot 2016-02-29 at 9.23.41 AM.png

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Good news! The moveable notched combs are more often than not missing from the showcard presses. They are NOT necessary. They were simply a convenient and FAST way for people with little or no experience to set and center lines of notched type.

You can simply lock your type/form into the bed of your press with furniture and quoins, or (MORE COMMONLY) you can simply use magnets to hold everything in place. The magnets need to be less than type-high.

There is usually a plate on the bottom of the press that you put your type/form on. You can remove this plate and use a galley that will fit into your press. The bottom of the galley is the same thickness as the plate.

If you use the furniture or magnet approach, you can also use regular type and engravings that DO NOT have notches in the bottom of them.

Hope this helps.
