Searching for lay of case for spacing/leading case

I have this long spacing case that sits on top of a angle-top type cabinet. It has compartments for quads for 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 24, 30pt type; compartments for the hairspaces; and then slots for shorter leading. I’m trying to figure out how best to use the quads compartments: which compartments should be for Em-Quads, which ones for En-Quads etc. Wondering if anyone has a lay of the case for this case?

image: IMG_7336.JPG


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I’ve seen it laid as 5-to-em and 4-to-em in the bottom two boxes, then three-to-em above, then ens and ems in the next two boxes, and two-em and three-em quads on top.
The four rows of thin space boxes could be paper (or stainless 1/4 pts), coppers, brasses and two-pt hairspaces (or 6-to-em spaces).

To add to Eric’s comments, both Hamilton and Thompson made these. Thompson offered these in both steel and wood construction, and earlier Hamilton ones were also available in hardwood, usually Ash. Thompson’s wood ones were painted black. I don’t find any case layouts in the catalogs I have of either manufacturer. But the large box was for the 2 em and 3 em quads, then work toward the smaller boxes for the em quad, en space, 3, 4, and 5 em spaces. Typically the larger boxes are on the bottom rather than on the top as you show. These were available as one single unit, or as individual units, one for the metal spacing, the brass and copper thin space case, and the lead and slug case for material up to 54 points in length.

Thanks! This is super helpful.

This is the template I made based on your recommendations. Thanks again.

image: IMG_7340.JPG


I have just been given a similar case and too have been struggling with navigating of its layout. Thanks for posting the question - before reading the dialogue I had been struggling to fit 48 line spacing material into an area designed for 48 point quots.