Vandercook No. 0 stop bar?

Hi there, I have a no. 0 and it came with a stop bar but it’s loose and I don’t see how it can attach for the life of me. Does anyone know? Or is there a manual out there? Photos Attached. Thanks in advance! Barb

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Having recently restored a Vandercook 0, I will take a stab at this. We have learned to “not assume” what lies before us for restoration, to be original unaltered equipment. Just because it is on the bench doesn’t mean it came from the factory that way. The simple facts that press operating/parts manuals for simple machines are far and few between supports the assumption that printers were, and are, encouraged to be resourceful adapters and to solve challenges as they are encountered.
The dead bar that accompanied the recent Vandercook 0 restoration was drilled and tapped on one end, for a 1/4” X 20 bolt. The bolt head was ground flat. Backing the bolt out of the dead bar at the desired location locked it into position against the rails. It seemed quite effective…


Look beyond the roller in the upper left hand corner…


image: Vandy 0.jpeg

Vandy 0.jpeg