Lookig for advice on having dies made

I am a hoby printer and have been buying vintage and not so vintage dies on ebay but am bored with how infrequently good dies come up. Can anyone suggest how I can have them made, maybe from old adds or graphics that I have a large collection of? Any ideas how much they will cost to produce each and any recomendations of who to do it for me?
I would love any help.

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Owosso Graphic Arts will happily make new copper or magnesium dies for you. http://www.owossographic.com/ minimum order is 20 sq. in. I think. Gang up your images into one graphic file and have them cut them apart for 60 cents a cut. They’ll mount them type high on wood. Every now and then you need a bit of shim on one end and they don’t measure in picas, but those are minor issues for me.

First die is free.