Hi, I have 44 sheets of a pale blue green text weight Barcham Green paper for sale. Approximately 22” x 32”, deckles all around. Watermark is the intertwined... more
I’m advising a non-profit organization on building a working 18th-century printing house. We are looking for a functioning (or repairable) English Common Press (for... more
10x15 Palmer & Rey Letterpress Printer. Made in San Francisco in 1895. Comes with rollers & chase. Also comes with deep relief Boxcar base.
Press was purchased from the... more
I am looking for a C&P or Kelsey tabletop press (or any other trusted brand). I am new to printing and need something simple and reasonably priced. I am located in Utah.
Chandler & Price press with variable-speed, single phase 220 motor. Estimated 1929, craftsman serial number, but body is more like a new style build.
The press has 3 brand new... more
Acquired type and need to remove several unwanted faces from basement storage! I will sell or trade (need reglets and reglets cabinet, leading cutter, leading, etc…). I... more
Clean windmill in very good shape. Under power. Good ink rollers and aftermarket foil and emboss unit. Local pickup or shipping can be arranged. 1,500.00
Two manuals, one is a catalog the other is a parts manual, with additional inserts. These are linotype manuals in the original green plastic binders. $20 or trade.
Bought a chase on ebay and is 2 inches too short. Just measured my chase area and says 7x10.5” Looking for one to get started with small business asap. Thank you in advance!... more
Dear Friends:
The Book Arts Program at the University of Utah is auctioning off a refurbished Vandercook 17 in Salt Lake City. Starting bid of $2000.
View link for auction... more
I have 5 Number 5 English Linotype magazines, some Linotype split magazines with a top (consolidator? I don’t know the term) and a cabinet full of Ludlow mats. Also a rusty... more
Chandler & Price press with variable-speed 220 motor. Estimated 1929, craftsman serial number, but body is more like a new style build.
The press has 3 brand new rollers... more
We have a set of 11 Ludlow composing sticks. All are in very good condition, clean, various sizes. Pictures pending. Range from 21 - 63 pica, 3 are italic.
Selling the... more
Chandler and Price Pilot (6.5x10) for sale. Purchased completely refurbished so it would be in excellent working condition about 5 years ago. Ended up with another press at the... more
I am looking for a rocker arm for a 1929 Craftsman C&P press.
I would love to save this press. If anyone has any ideas where I could locate one, find mechanical... more
I am selling my 10”x15” oldstyle, Chandler and Price Letterpress. With the press comes most of the supplies you need to start printing (I think I am just missing ink).... more
Lettering to Letterpress: From Screen to Printed Page
Spencer Charles & David Wolske
June 11–13
Thursday & Friday, 9:00–5:00; Saturday, 10:00–5:00... more