All ads in Santa Barbara, California
19 Jan 2011
Beginner Letterpress
- I am a graphic designer looking for a beginner press. I have screen printed for awhile now but want to letterpress. So anything from a Kelsey tabletop to a Chandler and Price 8x12... more
15 Apr 2010
Basic letterpress supplies
- Supplies for letterpress beginners. Hi Speed Quoins, Furniture, Boxcar Base for a 6x10 Kelsey, Ink, Palette Knives, etc.
Start-up kit for two lovely girls in southern... more
4 Feb 2008
Adana 8 x 5 or similar
- Hi! I’m just getting my feet wet, and would love an Adana 8x5. I’d be open to something similar, but like the Adana!
I’m willing to pay for shipping, so a well... more