Twin Quills Press


Included in the 1982 edition of the International Register, the source of the online edition. Details.

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1 comment about this press

Twin Quills is the press of Les Feller, a true preservationist and craftsman. He ran The Printer`s Row Printing Museum at 715 S. Dearborn Street in Chicago, Illinois. Kevin Bradley, Bryan Baker, BJ Alumbaugh and I visited Les 5 or 6 years ago at his home in Niles, Illinois. We more or less spent a full day cleaning out his entire basement and part of an outbuilding, with about an hour break for some KFC. We hauled a 20 foot truck full of type and presses back to Knoxville. It was one of those “you have to take it all” deals. There just so happens to be some of his type on press at this very moment. Quite a day that was. We won’t forget his stories and kindness.