- Glossary terms
- Bas de casse
- Bovenkast
- Boekdruk
- Boekdrukker
- Bourgeois (also 3-line Excelsior)
- Brevier
- Brilliant
- Büttenpapier
- Buchdruckerei
- Bogen
- Buchdrucker
- Buchdruck
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- Discussion topics
- book chases
- Bored as hell & need something to do
- Buying our first press
- Baltimore 11 or ???
- Baltimore 11 or ???
- Buyer scam alert
- Billy Joel Vienna video
- Broken Letterpress
- Blades for Funditor Saw
- Business Card Cutting Die
- Business Card Cutting Die
- Block of type found- what machine created it?
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- Classified ads
- Books from the Mike Anderson Collection (FS)
- Books from the Mike Anderson Collection (FS)
- Barcham Green paper for sale (FS)
- Board Shear (Wanted)
- Best quality and price foil stamping (FS)
- Bookbinding finishing press, plough, and stand (FS)
- Buying large lots of printer drawers or letterpress trays (Wanted)
- Bunting Magnetic Bases (FS)
- Bookbinding supplies, fine papers, and equipment (FS)
- Bunting Base 8.5"x11" (FS)
- Books on Typography, Design, Printing History, Private Press (Wanted)
- Book Print Collective Member Grants Fundraiser (Wanted)
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- Press names
- Yellow Pages listings
- Bison Bookbinding & Letterpress
- beewise
- Bristol Bound Bookbinding
- Bosshard's Printing Primer
- Biroscak Printing Company, Inc.
- Bradley Systems
- Badger Graphic Sales, Inc
- Bottle of Smoke Press
- Blizzard Letterpress
- Bowne & Co. Stationers
- Ballarat Bookbinding & Specialist Printing
- Bay View Printing Co.
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- Ornaments