Miehle V36 - Broken Delivery Arm

Any pointers to replacements for this guy?
I managed to finish the first color on the job on press (another story) by splinting it with a couple of pieces of old hardwood furniture.


Apparently this is not an unusual occurrence, as a spare left-side arm came with the press, which has been welded in more or less exactly the same spot.

I have no idea how it happened, I don’t believe the arm actually hit anything. Very strange, and I don’t know how long the splint will hold it together…. though it seems to be working quite well for the moment.

Thanks for pointers to source a replacement. I expect I can have this one repaired, but clearly it’s something you want to keep on hand.



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Not sure on the V-36’s but on the V-50’s the arms are made of zamac (pot metal) and yes, they do fail. Trickier on the feeder arms, since they are hollow.

pfraterdeus, A person on ebay seems to be parting out a vertical, the prices are fair best james

Zamac, also known as “zucking fink”.


Aok, thanks, all, for the tips.
Can this stuff be welded?
Thanks, again!


You have tied Beall Vertical Service? Granted, he’s not a online operator, but if he doesn’t have it, or know where to find it, then looking on Ebay, or even manufacturing a replacement may be in order.

Jack Beall Vertical Service, Inc.


2085 Orchard Lane
Carpentersville, IL USA 60110
Tel 847 426 7958
Fax 847 426 7793

Granted, he’s not a online operator, but if he doesn’t have it, or know where to find it, then looking on Ebay, or even manufacturing a replacement may be in order.

Manufacture replacement parts? Yes, we are getting to that stage for some machines and the sooner we embrace the idea and start developing plans, and manufacturing solutions, the cheaper it will be to keep aging Verticals, Windmills, and Vandercooks on the road. The idea that we can scab parts of the junkers is good, but those days are not going to last forever.

Even the sorriest Vandercook #4 is going for enough money to make it worthwhile to remanufacture a fair number of parts. I’d certainly consider it if my machine cost $10K, and I just did make a new part for my Intertype because even Greg Timko didn’t have what I needed in stock.

Zamac can be gas welded (don’t know about arc welding) but the people who can do that are scarcer than those who can do cast iron. If a person can gas weld aluminum, they can probably weld up Zamac.