2 part gill sans on display sizes
Some of my type specimen books are on loan, to a very enthusiastic duo of typographers/printers. As a result a casual visitor to our print museum was asking, had I ever used it and had I possibly even got a few letters left, and could I put name to it. As they described it yes I had used it, no I had none left (sad story) and yes I could partially name it as gill sans 2 part, i. e. one colour exactly superimposed over the other, and it looked good. So for my own amazement and re learning, I describe it as 2 part but obviously thats incorrect, any offers please. Mick.
This querry has gone unanswered for a reason. I simply do not find any variation of Gill Sans were two fonts have ever been superimposed to create a two-color look. Gill Cameo, Gill Cameo Ruled, Gill Shadow Titling and “maybe” Gill Shadow No.1….and possibly Gill Sans Shadow Line might be combined with one of the Gill Sans solid variations, but I don’t ever remember anyone offering or pointing that out before this.
Are you absolutely possitive that it is Gill Sans that you have? A picture would also go a long ways to put an ID on them for you.
Throwing my hat in the ring here. I have a catalogue from Tyne Type, NE England dating from the 1950s. There is illustrated in large sizes only a two-colour gill sans. The outline has a second colour specifically to fit. It is shown in red and black. This foundry leased its matrices from Monotype and cast a fairly limited amount. I guess these may have been rare if not unique. I will try and post a scan.
Friends, Thank you for your back up this far, back in the late 50s this particular face (2 part Gill Sans) was cast and used on a magazine that was produced as a monthly, F. E. T. Far East Trade, and at that time the display Mats (matrices) were Hired from The Monotype Corporation, Lending Library and sent via passenger train, (usually) collected by a runner/apprentice, utilized as quickly as possible and back on the train same day for One days hire. It was usually a little joke/wind up to leave friendly comments from/for the next hirer, in the mat box usually on the spacing material that wadded the mats out, sometimes including “Kilroy was here” the apprentice from XYZ firm couldnt make it! a young lady was trying to contact him???
Albion Press, your take on my unidentified type face is spot on (the memory banks have very,very slowly been regressing) so thanks again! but it is still going to bug me as to the identification, I am sure that Yendalls, Riscatype, Stephonsen Blake and Mouldtype at least, all listed this face(s) tucked away in a little corner of their wall charts, and at least two of them illustrated in Red/Black as you imply. As Monotype series numbers generally ran in some form of logical sequence i.e.262/275 for normal Gill and Gill Bold, 2 part would probably have been 2 designations close together??? I have had a call from an Adana enthusiast BPS who has 3 Pairs only (the initials of his little print shop) but he cant remember what they were called, and although he has worn them out, he had the forethought to make copies in/on Miraclon. Would still like identification and Thanks again.