November Metal Type News

The November edition of the Metal Type newsletter is now out. Click this link to take a look at the video:

My Forum favourite last month was pictures of a Linograph machine at the University of Iowa. Nice to see pictures of this rare machine. Click the link below to take a look at the article:

Unfortunately on Sunday October 28 the site suffered a security breach. Apologies if anyone received emails from the site’s Classified Ads software on that date. As a consequence of the security breach I have had to replace the site’s Classified Ads software. I was unable to carry ads over to the new system. The good news is that the new software has some new features (you are able to include, links, pictures, etc, in your ad) and is a lot more user-friendly than the old software. I would be grateful if you could re-post your ads on the new system. Perhaps you would like to advertise your services on the new site. Ads remain on the site for a full year, unless you choose to remove them yourself, and are free. Click the link to take a look:

All the Best
Dave Hughes
York, UK

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