Hi, I have a Jet platemaker for sale, the machine was bought in jenuary 2012 and was used a couple of times, it is like brand new, in excellent condition, perfect for making plates for letterpress, easy in use, I have the instruction and specification in English. I am in Poland, so I can ship it to the whole Europe, for reasonable money, the price is 3 600 euro + shippement, but I am flexible, I also attached 2 TOYOBO a2 photopolymer plates for letterpress for free. If somebody is interested write me at: [email protected] I can send some photos of the machine.
Earlier topic: New Rollers
I have a Jet platemaker 25x35cm for sale
Hi, I have a Jet platemaker for sale, the machine was bought in jenuary 2012 and was used a couple of times, it is like brand new, in excellent condition, perfect for making plates for letterpress, easy in use, I have the instruction and specification in English. I am in Poland, so I can ship it to the whole Europe, for reasonable money, the price is 3 600 euro + shippement, but I am flexible, I also attached 2 TOYOBO a2 photopolymer plates for letterpress for free. If somebody is interested write me at: [email protected] I can send some photos of the machine.
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