German Type Sizes
I have some German type, but can’t quite get my head around the sizing. ‘Volta’ is around 0.2771 inch, so a shade under 20pt. ‘Compliment’ is around 0.2261 (>16pt) and 0.1752 inch (>12.6pt). None of them seem to come up with round numbers using a Pica to Cicero converter. Is there a simple explanation, and where do I get spacing?
German type is sized in Didot, not Pica.
Achtelpetit 1 Pt 0,376 mm
Achtelcicero 1.5 0,564
Viertelpetit 2 0.752
Viertelcicero 3 1,128
Diamant=Halbpetit 4 1.504
Perl 5 1.880
Nonparaille 6 2.256
Borgis=Bourgeois 9 3.385
Korpus=Garamond 10 3.761
Cicero 12 4,513
Mittel 14 5.265
Tertia 16 6.017
Text 20 7.521
Zweicicero 16 6.017
Text 20 7.521
Zweicicero 24 9.026
Doppelmittel 28 10.530
Doppeltertia 32 12.034
Dreicicero=Kanon 36 13.538
Viercicero=Missal 48 18.051
Fuenfcicero=sabon 60 22.564
sechcicero 72 27.077
siebencicero 84 31.589
achtcicero 96 36,102
Spacers (new)
Spacers (used)
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