Factory Press

Registered12 Oct 17
ProprietorJames H. Stephens
Address985 Woodland AV SE
Atlanta 30316

Factory Press is a hobby print shop in a backyard building. Working presses are Kelsey 3x5 and 5x8, a small showcard press, and a Superior Ace toy press with rubber type.

I make cards, small books, bookmarks, and whatever else strikes my fancy. I also use my home machine shop to occasionally make relief plates, image blocks, and text blocks.

I love combining the artistic elements of letterpress with the technical areas of metalwork and machining. I sometimes manufacture my own press parts.

image: logo factory press.jpg

logo factory press.jpg

2 comments about this press

Just wondering. Have you received my prop cards?

I’ve sent my prop cards (Nov 7), and I see that my press name is still “unconfirmed.” I’m concerned that the cards did not arrive. Should I send more, or just wait.

Thank you.
James Stephens
Factory Press