Lead Graffiti on YouTube…


I would love to have the Briar Press population visit Lead Graffiti’s YouTube Channel. We don’t have a lot of videos up yet (a dozen or so) but you might enjoy look at some of them.

We have a great 20 minute video of sandcasting 144 point Caslon at the Type Museum in London that we participated in back in 2004 on a study abroad trip with 2 dozen design students. I only recently discovered the digital video files which we finally edited together. We think it is a pretty important piece about a completely long lost technique.

I think it is worth saying that I really think it would be cool if a bunch of people with great letterpress stories would grab a friend with an smartphone and just start telling those stories before they get lost.

We are getting ready to do one on our Intertype C4 that I think could be pretty cool.

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