
Hello everyone,
My name is Tim,I am a new kid on the block.My wife and I are the proud new owners of a Chandler & Price and a L.F. Grammes and sons Platen press.I have gotten the full experience so far,It started with disassembly and moving up the basement steps.This equipment was one gentlemans print shop that he ran out of his basement.His family had been in the print business for several generations.There is a full case cabinet and a Challenge a110? paper cutter.I am currently cleaning and reassembling everything.I wanted to introduce myself and get some more information.The Chandler is a 1895 10X15.The L.F Grammes press I could not find info or a serial #.If anyone could help I would appreciate it,I also can not find more info on the Challenge paper cutter,I found a110 stamped into the frame but I do not know if that is a serial number.I also wanted to know if anyone was in my area that taught or had some experience to share.Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,

image: 07-07-24resize1_0.JPG

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Welcome to the wonderful (but addictive) world of letterpress. I got counting in my basement the other night and realized I’ve managed to accumulate 100+ cases of type. Many of the fonts I’ll never use, but I can’t stand to just get rid of them; “one of these days” I’ll find someone who wants a full fount of 8pt Stymie Medium.
If you haven’t yet, look at greendolphinpress.com and fiveroses.org for some introductory material. I can’t guarantee it, but you may find a lead there to some printing manuals that might be helpful.
Have you found the letpress discussion list yet? I’m not sure about printers in your area, but I know Dave Churchman has a warehouse (sounds a lot like Aladdin’s cave for printers) in Indianapolis.
Good luck.

Hi, Tim
I’m in Massachusetts now, but used to live in Dayton when I taught graphic design and letterpress printing at the University of Dayton (http://artssciences.udayton.edu/VisualArts/). They had a letterpress shop then (2000) and maybe still have the shop and offer classes. Another resource in your area is the working print shop/museum at Carillon Historical Park in Dayton. Lots of printers in that area. Great folks, one and all!
K. Harper, Ars Brevis Press