Hacker paper guide

Hi. I have finally been working on getting my Hacker #4 working. I found a machinist that will make small parts for a reasonable price and am having a missing paper guide (next to the gripper) remade. If you have a Hacker or perhaps a Potter this might be a part you need. Contact me and I will forward the info.

I am also dealing with a stuck ink roller (metal) and the internal spring pieces. I am not sure what purpose they serve. If anyone has any experience?

image: IMG_20230224_140342[1].jpg


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Does this look like one of the springs you are asking about? If so, they are intended to prevent slurring of ink on the form according to U. S. Patent No. 1,759,542. I haven’t experienced this trouble with the Hacker No. 4 at Dakota City, so have not paid much attention to these springs (or if we even have them).

image: HackerMfgVibratorRollerSpringPatNo1759542.jpg


OMG! Yes. Nice patent drawing you’ve got there. One of mine has the spring broken into multiple pieces. The other ink roller (metal) is frozen into place and I haven’t been able to move it (yet). I have tried all the usual stuff (kroil, pb, etc) and some heat with round wrenches. Any better ideas? the screw on the right side screws into another piece in order to oscillate the roller. This is where the pieces are stuck together (dried ink not rust). So many things on this press do something and I haven’t got a manual! Once this is unstuck then the press just needs some calibration!