Two small presses available June 22

I posted here MANY years ago regarding the availability of some of the equipment from a school printing lab. The time has come for my organization to disperse the remainder.

The two largest pieces are a Chandler & Price proof press (it is clearly of the same vintage as their ‘Old Style’ platen presses) and a tabletop, lever-type press.

We will have these available as part of a ‘rummage sale’ we will be having on June 22, so hopefully this should be sufficient time for those within driving distance to make the trip.

The C&P press is otherwise complete, but has some splits in the wood that will need reglued, especially on the side with the door.

The small platen press will include two chases that appear to be approximately 8 x 10. It has a minor chip on one foot, but the press is mounted on a pair of wood runners for easier handling. However, the ink rollers will need to be remade or replaced - but the rest of the press works fine.

Prices haven’t been set yet, but we are interested in moving these on to a new home. We also desperately need the space.

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image: platen.jpg


image: chandler.jpg
