Can linocut/etching plates printed on Heidelberg Windmill?
Hello printers,
i was wondering whether is possible to print linocuts, or etching plates mounted on the Heidelberg Windmill. I’ve bought a Windimill in the far 2008 but i’ve never used. I tried to sell many many times and for cheap but it seems there is a “bond” between me and the considering I am a farmer and i don’t have so much time to use it for job i prefer to printing for fun. So i had the idea to print linocuts and so on generally printed on a engraving press but on the Heidelberg Windmill.
Does anybody know if is this possible?
Thank you a lot, may your lives and presses shine..
Fabio from Italy
Yes printing linocuts on a windmill is not a problem, you just need a suitable mount and I used double side tape to fix them to a low mount and bring it up to type height.
Thank you Frank!
A few examples of my basic linocuts
Beautiful! What I’ve understood is with a Heidelberg Windmill we can print all the relief processes but not the intaglio processes, because the intaglio ones need a wiping step we can’t automatically do on the Windmill. On more the sheets are set too.
(double post sorry)