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SOLD!!! Thanks for your interest 8.01.12 : POCO proofing press size “0”. The printable area is 12 X 18 inches. It is in excellent shape, it runs true and turns very easily. This design is such that the art blocks and the type are placed on the press bed allowing the cylinder to rollover the top of the type. The bed moves right and left under the cylinder. The type cannot fall out and become damaged. In the past I have had middle school age students print with this press it is simple to use. The tympan is also in great shape. Asking $950 or best offer.
It is located in Central Wisconsin. Upon accepted payment I offer delivery to your street address for the cost of regular gas 20 mpg to: the Twin Cities area of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Madison area, and Milwaukee area. Delivery offer during summer and fall of 2012 only since my truck is open in the back.
Thank you!
Mr. Nelson
Chili, Wisconsin