Paint edges
Good afternoon.
I need your help and advice.
I asked before but never got a response.
Tell us how you paint the edges (as pictured)
What are the secrets to use?
What paint?
What paint use?
I have a small workshop. I’m working on the machines KORREX.
Learned everything. But it does not paint the edges.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Do a search of the discussions on here. Many keep their techniques a secret but there was a thread last year that gave some good info.
My first attempt was with a 20+ year old airbrush kit. It came out looking great but the airbrush was falling apart.
I took a stack of 50 business cards and placed them between plain inkjet paper (cut slightly larger than the cards) and then put it between 3/4”plywood (3”x4”) Clamped that tight in a hand-held wood clamp.
Clamp it tight and spray. Someone suggested spray-paint from the art store but even after drying it still rubbed off when it touched other paper.
I like the air brush way.