Fixing up a Paper Cutter

Hello everybody!

I recently acquired a Challenge Diamond Manual guillotine paper cutter that needs to be cleaned up and put back together. Currently it will be staying in a storage unit that is not climate controlled and I’m worried about the rust that I see forming on the bed. What can I use to clean the rust up and keep it away? Should I be using and applying some type of paste wax continuously? Or is there something more permanent I can do that will make sure that the bed and the cast iron parts do not rust?

Thank you so much!

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hi turtle wax will do fine.

Johnson’s paste wax works well. Then look up a product called “Quali-pol” white spray can, blue print. I use this combination very effectively especially during high humidity season. i will shoot a pic of the cans over the weekend.
The paste wax is a very good base, old fashioned elbow-grease then the spray tops it off. Expect bottom sheets to be ruined.

B. B. With Your storage facilities in mind, - Well documented methods for removing rust in the first place from the Wire Wool, Lemon Juice etc., up to Shot Blasting (even with crushed walnut shells! very persuasive but VERY efficient, i.e. into every part of the machine, including ABOVE, BELOW and Under every little nook and cranny. ?) Which ever option is practical/affordable.

But probably the more important, when as decontaminated as possible, 2 further possibilities, (assuming that the following product is available Stateside or Equivalent) Up-Rated WD 40 i.e. **Vapor-Tek Steelgard**
= Aerosol Can application. above below and under the whole machine.
With particular attention to the Lead Screw for the Back Stop gauge and its Guide Rails!!

But again with the draughty situation in mind, several tiny *Sachets* of Silica Gel on every flat surface, just a few Cents, per pack, to catch the moisture, which is inevitable, the packs dried out every few months, of course, well documented!!

Then the whole machine covered >loosely< with canvas type material/tarp., etc. to allow it to breathe??

Good Luck.

brandy.burdick, When I have had to”mothball” a machine
I would coat/slather all expose flat or polished steel surfaces with Vaseline.This creates an air barrier that will protect surfaces you don’t want to rust.The waxing method works fine too. “Rust never sleeps”. Naval jelly is a mild chemical etch to stop the rust but it is an acid, you can research it, also vinegar and lemon attack rust as well. best james

I myself would remove the cutting blade and having bolted
that to its safety transport guard (you do have one don’t you - it will be needed when you get the blade re-ground once in a while) and keep that relatively small object somewhere climate controlled, maybe even at home?
Caution: in the 1950s trade bookbinding world missing finger tips were a commonplace.