We run a heidleberg windmill. We generally don’t run stock heavier than 40 - 50 pt since we were told we can’t or shouldn’t. I am wondering how heavy a stock YOU run. We put new grippers on after years of running with poor grippers with broken springs and heavy wear. We want to try running blotter board from Katz again for coasters and wonder if we can safely feed the 80 pt. I know it cracks as is not the best material for letterpress. I am also wondering if anyone has put foil on blotter board. Any feed back is appreciated and respected.
I’ve printed on Katz and similar blotter board on my Windmill without issue, besides the slight cracking you mentioned.
Anniew - We have run the lighter 35 pt blotter and did not care for the results. We plan to use the flat press sheet squares not the pre cut. We are just wondering how heavy of a weight have operators used and any feedback.
Now that you mention it, I believe my stuff was 35pt. I got full sized sheets of it and ran it and was reasonably please with the result. The gripper left a little mark in the paper but since I diecut the finished product, it didn’t matter. Decent coverage, a little impression, pretty good. :)
I spoke to Katz years ago to get them to add a little bigger flat sheet so we could print and trim a 4 inch coaster. We ran the finished size 4 inch and the gripper mark was an issue. It may be time to break out the gluer and make my own paper.
Western, I have done just that, I used an ATG tape gun. The backside was printed litho, and the front was letterpressed. We taped the 2 sides together, and did a final trim 4 sides. Came out great. Quick and easy.
We have duplexed stock both printed and unprinted on a number of occasions. We had hoped to find a decent size heavy blotter board for low cost coasters.
Checkout Fishers Paperboard! I ordered big sheets of blotter from them and thought the price was reasonable and the service was good.
Thanks for the feedback. We are still looking for good resource. Anniew- I spoke to fishers and got a price but with shipping it was to costly.