Hello everyone,i am interested in buying gtp in good condition and there is only one problem yesterday that we tried to turn on the machine because for a long time they did not work with it, that I pull the operating handle the clutch does not connect the flywheel, I have to pull another four inches for the machine to start moving, Did anybody know what the problem is And what the solution
Don’t take this the wrong way, have you ever run a windmill before? On a 10 x 15 when the clutch is in - close to the press -(disengaged) the flywheel runs but the press does not. Pushing out and giving a slight twist and releasing a little outward pressure and the drive arm rest’s on the bracket stop - this runs the press . Reversing the process stop’s the drive function. I am not sure how the drive setup is on the GT, but pulling the handle as you stated would shut the 10 x 15 off not make it run. From what you are saying it sounds like it is working but you are not sure how to make it run - no offense intended.
Here’s a youtube video of a GT that shows the press operator engaging the clutch.
Pretty simple if it’s operating OK. Good luck.