Washington versus Vandercook
In the Classifieds section Boggs Equipment has a sturdy Washington handpress for auction. I have no interest in the sale. The press seems to have the original tympan(s) and perhaps the frisket. It is very rare to see those parts still attached to a proofing press. I don’t know the platen size. Anyway, for those contemplating letterpress, you might consider a Washington over the more mechanized flatbed proofing presses. There is less to go wrong with a handpress and almost nothing to wear out. The only roller is in your hands.
I agree with Michael Barnes and also, there is a good book on operating a handpress:
(I just found that website, don’t know anything about it, but that is the book I am talking about)
If you want to be really blown away by what the Washington/Albion type of press is capable of, look up
”Baxter Prints” (the early ones) Umpteen colours in staggeringly accurate register. Now of course modern
kit like Vandercooks can do much the same, but if you also want deep impression which I gather is distressingly popular in the US. then Washingtons/Albions impressions can come right out the back!, ”printing for the blind” as we used to say over here in the UK. ( Why the distress? - it ruins type for a start.)
I agree with harrildplaten and to see some more art. Here is a small piece i did for a client. and you can check out Gail Brodholt at https://gailbrodholt.com and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDIAC4ZsJXM