Parts needed for c&p 8x12

Hello everyone, I’ve recently acquired a 8x12 c&p. But it came with the inking plate broken, lever snapped in 2 and the smaller gear missing.
I’d love to get it up and running.
Does anyone know where I can get parts for my press?

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Try John Barret at

The parts can be welded or brazed, the gear can be copied by the gear on the back-side of the inking plate, I did that with my C&P.

I probably have an ink plate and might have the pinion gear.

I probably have an ink plate and might have the pinion gear.

Lloyd at Cook Kettle Press generally has press parts.

I second Cook Kettle Press. The stronger US Dollar means lower costs for purchases and shipping from Canada.

Roman, did you find the parts you were looking for? I finally had time to check and found that I have three spare ink plates and a spare pinion gear.