Movie with print shop fight scene
I recently came across the movie “The Odessa File” set in 1963 that stars Jon Voight as reporter in Germany trying to track down a secret organization formed by the SS to protect fugitive Nazi officers. It’s quite a suspense thriller based on a book of the same name. Takes place around Christmas time and has an original song at the start of the film by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Time Rice called, “My Christmas Dream” which was sung by Perry Como and has a German flavor to it. It’s on YouTube and is a nice song you’ve probably never heard.
But the more relevant letterpress part of the film occurs during a fight scene at the print shop of the guy who prints fake documents. The Heidelberg Windmill becomes a weapon in one scene…watch the whole clip. There is another print shop scene or two leading up to this.
But here is a link to the print shop fight:
Here is a link to the song:
Maybe you’ll be interested in watching the movie. -Bob
Yeah, it’s an absolute favorite. I once skimmed through the original Forsyth novel and didn’t find it there, but maybe I missed it.
Wow! Thanks for that clip! Apart from his landing on the gripper arm (Part No. GT 1304 F ;-)) and getting crushed - that’s a very interesting drive belt set up he has for the GT model. They are fighting on the flywheel side - but there’s a drive belt on the pump side?
If you haven’t see it, I recommend watching BABYLON BERLIN - there’s a shootout scene and subsequent detective scene in a Trotskyite printshop with what appear to be 4-6 Windmills from the 1920s. Fantastic series!
PressRun, that’s very serendipitous I happened to be watching an old Bonanza “The Stranger” and in the opening scene Lil’ Joe gets his A__s kicked in the Territorial Enterprise knocks over a gallery full of type you can see a little Curtis & Mitchell job press behind the Editor and the stone he’s in front of. Really bad TV drama from the past.
That is indeed a classic movie… and the print-shop scenes look like they were filmed in a real shop.
Did you notice that the shop had large skylights so that they could print by natural light during the day? Very few shops that I’ve seen in the US have those, but a lot of ‘em in Europe and the UK do.