Garamond italic 36pt
I have a case of Monotype Garamond (series 156) 36pt italic. Unfortunately the case is very short on lower case ‘y’, to the point that editorial ingenuity is required before starting to set any text in this font. This is presumably due to damage over the years to the kerned tail of the ‘y’.
Does anybody have a case of this font from which they might be willing to spare a couple (literally 2 or 3) lower case ‘y’s? I’d be happy of course to pay postage and even swap the ‘y’s for any of the amazing ligatures that exist in the font.
I realise there may be some alignment issues in mixing different castings of the font, but I’m happy to work round that (isn’t that what bus tickets are for?).
many thanks in advance for any help.
(based in Cambridge, UK but could take delivery in Los Angeles)
Or you add a 1/4 font from the Printing Museum in NZ. They have some listed as in stock.