C&P throw off mechanism.

I am currently cleaning and rebuilding a C&P 8x12 that I found in pieces. I am a bit puzzled with the throw off mechanism. I can’t find any good pictures or diagrams of it for rebuilding. If any of you guys have a C&P 8x12, could you take good close up pictures of the throw off mechanism (and any mechanism that you think would be worth beeing seen from closer) I am pretty sure I have every piece but I need to figure out where they go. Thanks for your help!

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What part are you having trouble with? The lever where it connects to the side of the press? The linkage a the bottom of the press? Or the saddle connecting it to the eccentric shaft underneath the ink table?

Does this help?

image: throwoff.jpg


Thanls for the answers.
Connecting the lever to the side of the press isn’t complicated. This picture shows it really well, thank you. But where does it goes from there? is it connected to the back of the bed? rocker? i’ve never used c&p so I haven’t really studied how they were made.
Thank you!