Where to buy Chase Bed, Chase Latch, and Chase
Hi All,
I am new to letterpress and I recently bought a Kelsey 3x5 Model C letterpress for $85. The press is missing its chase, chase bed, and chase latch (I’m refering to parts corresponding to the above names on this page: http://users.bestweb.net/~bpress/manuals/kelsey_parts.gif ).Other than these three parts, the press is complete and seems to be in working condition. I know that I can find a chase, but does anyone know where I can get a chase bed and chase latch? Did I pay too much for the machine since it is missing these parts? Would I be better off selling the machine and looking for one that has all of it’s parts? I’d appreciate any help! Thanks!
bad deal, I would return the press for your money….that is a shame
Alan Rundfeld (excelsior press) just helped me with my Kelsey 3 X 5. It seemed he had parts to spare and the prices on his website seemed appropiate.
You’ll be fine! http://excelsiorpress.org/forsale/kelseypartsandrepair/index.html
Thanks Darcie! This is EXACTLY what I needed!
Check with Dave Churchman and Don Black Linecasting