parting out - 12x18 C&P Craftsman with feeder

looks like we’re parting this out.

contact me with your parts needs by wednesday and we’ll see if we can get some presses running again.

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man i write a lot.

keith, your getting better, i read your second post, the first one will take a couple of days. Dick G.


If you do not get a quick response try these guys in Indiana, they buy presses and restore them to perfection.

There is also A-1 Enterprises— try them, they’ll take the press of your hands if you can’t find anyone in the short term.

thanks. we’ll see how it goes.

so we’re parting this out…

check the photos, if you see something you need in there, name your part(s), name a reasonable price and they’re yours.

I’ll ship them wherever as long as you line up the shipping and pay for it.

i’m going down on thursday so i need parts requests no later than wednesday night.

ink well, feeder tubes, rollers, bearers, saddles, trucks are no long available.
