challenge gordon platen press

I have a chance to purchase a ‘challenge gordon platen press’, it has all it’s rollers and parts, rust free and is in good working condition. The seller wants $1600.00 for it. Is this a fair price? Is this also a press that a beginner should dare purchase or would the smaller table top press be better. It would be used for making invites and cards.

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Seems high to me. I’ve seen them going for $300 to $600. Depends on where you are and supply verses demand in your area. The large presses usually sell for less money because they’re well-neigh impossible to ship for a reasonable amount of money, making the pool of possible buyers smaller.

Thanks for your comment. I’m in the Los Angeles area.

You didn’t say how large the press is — 8x12, 10x15, 14x22? The price will be different and so will the moving problems. $1600 definitely seems very high for any of the above even in showroom condition and complete with new rollers. You need more info!


Bob - It’s either 8x10 or 8x12 - I gather the price is too high. What do you think the price should be? It’s in good running conditon and has all 3 rollers. (I have a mover who moves presses so moving is not an issue.)

I’d say the earlier suggestion — $300-600 — is a lot closer. Part of the problem is that a seller looks at Ebay and sees people asking that kind of money — what they don’t see is that the auction ends without a sale. I think you can probably find an 8x12 C&P around for a more reasonable price. The Challenge Machinery Co. was not a big producer and I am sure parts will be harder to find than for a C&P, should you need them.


Thanks Bob, I appreciate the help.


I think this is kind of a rarely found press. May be more for a collector than someone who is just looking for a first press? Not sure I would diss the pricing. Any press in good shape and fully equipped is worth more than the advice from an avatar or c-spook.
