Value of a Reprex model 1

Hi I’m new to the letterpress community and have my sharp eyes on a Reprex 1. Just curious what is the value of something like this as I’d hate to get ripped off.

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Reprex presses are not as plentiful as Vandercooks although one that has been properly cared for is a serviceable press. The Model 1 is pretty simple. Given that, the seller should not be asking a lot for it. The equivalent Vandercook would go for $2-3000 I would think but the Reprex for less. Make sure it works properly. Remember also that parts are not available for it like they are for a Vandercook. My 2 cents.

huh…interesting…it is fully operational new rollers but asking $4000 for the vandercook $5500…so my guess is the price is too high?

Maybe others will contribute to this tread. The only one I have seen for sale belonged to Jim Rimmer and sold a couple of years ago but I don’t know the price. If my memory serves me correctly, the Model 1 is not automatic inking and max sheet size is 14’ wide or less. $4000 seems a bit much for that to me.