Mounting magnesium plates
What is the best way to mount magnesium plates? I’ve ordered them from Owosso already mounted but would like to save money, space and mount them myself. What is the most effective and consistent way to accomplish this?
Also what type of holes should drill in the place outside of the image area?
I get my dies from Owosso, i buy 1/4” mag dies and mount them with double sided tape on my wood furniture, then 2 pieces of chip board under the chase and its type high. for the thinner dies, i mount them on my ludlow slugs, i make the ludlow slugs the size of the die then tape a 6 point slug flat on top of the slugs then tape the die on the top. i like the thicker dies better and use them almost all the time.
why do you get the 1/4”? Theyre close to twice the price of the 16ga.