Paint Color

A few weeks back I purchase this press, but it looks so sad, should I repaint it?

I have it in poorly lite building, and it just looks so sad!

The photo posted is not at the location where the press is. Old photo, but the press in photo is the one I am talking about.

image: ready to go pressIMG_4799.jpg

ready to go pressIMG_4799.jpg

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Here’s my vote.

image: car.jpg


I love it!
Did you do the work on the car?

No, no! I just stole the picture off the web. Though I did do a lot of my own body work on this one, sadly sold.


image: front.jpeg

I will be glad when I get my press cleaned and up and running. I have owned a lot of printing equipment in my life, but this one looks so sad to me.

To me it looks like the puppy, that people look at, but no takes home.


I will be glad when I get my press cleaned and up and running. I have owned a lot of printing equipment in my life, but this one looks so sad to me.

To me it looks like the puppy, that people look at, but no takes home.


John Deere green!

Then you could call it the “Jolly Green Little Giant”.

I wouldn’t do a thing to it except clean it the best that it could be cleaned.
Then print with it!
It wouldn’t take me long to get used to its appearance.
That’s just me though.

Lol’d @ Dan’s Candy Apple Red.


Photos of press: