Columbus press?

Has anyone ever heard of a Columbus press? I could not find any info on that name, but someone is supposedly sellin one and I am trying to get some information on it. If so, do you have any info on it? Thank you!

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Columbian YES
Columbus NO

If this is the press you might want to consider getting appointed as the administrator of your long-lost uncle’s estate!

There is also the Columbian Rotary platen jobber, not related to the Columbian hand press Stan referred to, and not pictured in the Briar Press Museum at this time.


Bob and Sara:
Again I must put on my orthopaedic shoes and stand corrected!
— Ralph Green: ‘A History of the Platen Jobber,’ 1953, lists a Columbian,1878-1891, made by Curtis & Mitchell in Boston.
— Harold E. Sterne shows a Columbian on pages 239 and 240 in his ‘Catalog of Nineteenth Century Printing Presses.’ Sizes were 5x8 and 6x9.
— There also was an 8x12, according to Elizabeth M. Harris, in ‘Personal Impressions,’ 2004, which shows several illustrations of the Columbian as well as a good bit of history of the Curtis & Mitchell Co.

Sorry I wasn’t able to be more informative — my reference library is in Virginia and I’m not! Thanks for the good info, Stan!
