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The staff at Briar Press consists of just two people. We try to respond to your problems and inquiries, but don’t have enough time to personally answer all the questions that we receive. We have tried to address some of the questions in the help pages, but many people are in the same boat as we are, with little time to spare. Always feel free to write us if you have any questions, but you might receive a more prompt and thorough answer if you take some time to review the topics in the Help section. A blue link to this section is in or below the gray area at the top right of each page.

You may also find the answer to your question if you search the archives and review the site before writing us directly.

If your question isn’t answered in the Help or Search sections, please consider posting it in one of the Discussion forums. You will reach a much broader group of people with considerably more expertise than we can offer.

We are unable to address technical questions that have to do with your own personal computer as each platform and browser has it’s own or a number of different procedures for doing tasks such as uploading photos. Although issues such as this are not letterpress related, perhaps if you post questions like this in the section for Briar Press & web site matters, some kind soul will be able to identify with your computer and problem and may be able to help.

I would like to thank all of the members who have patiently and politely responded to the questions that have been posted in the forums. This message is the only practical way to express my appreciation to everyone. Thank you, thank you all for your help and participation.
