
Trying to resurrect a V-50. No experience with them. It will feed to transfer table, shoes will drop sheet, but it will not reach grippers at 3,000 iph; it will however, if one inches as if hand-feeding with clutch. The cylinder will revolve, therefore, as if a sheet is in the grippers and were there a forme in the bed one would spoil the tympan as if a little rich soul. This is of course when the automatic shut-off knob is in the ‘off” position.

Nothing appears broken or out of adjustment. From what I understand it is not supposed to drop onto impression even if the shut-off knob is in the ‘off’ position.

One can always learn.

Best Regards,

Lee Engdahl.

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Hey Lee,

We had similar feeding problems with our V-50 and issues with it staying on impression when it did finally take a sheet. While checking the diaphragm I discovered that the trip mechanism for the grippers was caked up and not retracting when it should so with a bit of a clean and some new lubrication it solved the problem.

Perhaps worth checking that out to see if your press has the same issue.

image: Screen Shot 2016-12-26 at 9.03.21 pm.png

Screen Shot 2016-12-26 at 9.03.21 pm.png

You might after cleaning the trip mechanism check the hoses. I replaced the hose seeing that they all looked very old and soft.
It correct this problem on my V-50.


Well it was a ‘merely’ a question of rotating the trip mechanism until it worked, that is to say, it would not go on trip. Thereafter it fed OK although this particular press needs new pumps, which I am robbing from the owner’s parts press this morning. I got it to feed at 5 x 1000 iph for a bit, although it groaned, and prefers sedate, slow speed. I can see why in the day of a plethora of machine minders the MV outshone the Windmill.

Apart from that, I am curious how one registers a mark-up sheet for makeready on presses of this kind, since the feed and delivery are so commingled? None of the literature speaks much of ‘makeready,’ which would lead me to believe that it did not need much in the newest condition, or that the run of jobs was so pedestrian that makeready was not required.

These days, of course, most people use them as paper manipulators rather than for ink transfer so the issue of makeready is rather easier. I suppose could put tape over the signal holes on the gripper bar and ‘fool’ it into going on impression, and use that register as a marking up sheet?

Some wiser soul out there must know. In any thanks for the replies.



image: It feeds 2.jpg

It feeds 2.jpg

Regarding makeready, I was taught to use an underlayment sheet with carbon paper to take an impression of the form that was registered by stopping a sheet in the gripper bar and using an awl to mark a hole on each side. Then my makeready sheet with glue up for additional pressure or paper removed to alleviate over pressure, was placed under the top-sheet, using the holes on each side to align the piece exactly.
