FAG Standard TP550

For sale… FAG Standard TP550 proofing press with gear. Lots of lead type, furniture, other accoutrements to get you printing.

Having climatized nicely to the beautiful Nolan press in my apartment kitchen, I am selling the FAG. It is a beautiful proofing press. Similar to the Vandercook sp15. 14x20 bed size. Adjustable height bed, which the vandercook does not have. This is a beast of a press. Super quality. I’ve cranked thousands and thousands of Impressions on this press over the last 21 years. Flawlessly beautifully. With rollers in great condition. This press was made in 1947 in Switzerland and used by McMillan Canada in a basement on Queen Street in Toronto for many years before I found it in a barn in Cavan 21 years ago. Very rare. looking to move on to a small tabletop platen to go along with the Nolan.

Change is good. Please note this press is only going to a home which will use it for printing. Spread the word. This press deserves to be used for many many years to come.

At ground level. Purchaser responsible for moving the press.

Best offer.

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