Vandercook Centenary Print Bundle exhibited in South Africa
My friend Mark Sandham and I have put up the 91 letterpress print 2009 Vandercook Centenary Print Bundle on exhibit here at Wits University in Johannesburg, South Africa.
If you have friends who might be interested there is a downloadable exhibit catalogue and also online views of all the prints on the Vanderblog web site that you can visit from the link below.
I have mentioned it on the LetPress mailing list and the PPLetterpress Group but if you think others would be interested in the details please feel free to share.
Check out for all the exhibit details.
Idyllic Press - Johannesburg, South Africa
Surprised to see that this has made it so far afield, and further, to see my submission so prominently placed. Thanks again to Paul Moxon for coordinating the box, and to you for this exhibit!
Many thanks to Kalle and Mark for the outstanding job they did putting together this exhibit. The prints were beautifully displayed and the catalogue was painstakingly prepared. I’m sure the exhibit-goers learned much about letterpress printing and Vandercooks!