I am in central Iowa and would be happy to help you out.
Not a professional appraiser, but know my way around a shop. Email or PM me if you would like to discuss this further.
Thanks for all the comments. I am in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I’ve started an inventory that I can post here and I can also post photos. It seems as though those of you who responded are more east than I am.
I am in central Iowa and would be happy to help you out.
Not a professional appraiser, but know my way around a shop. Email or PM me if you would like to discuss this further.
I too am in central Iowa. Been at this for 36 years. Some experience appraising printing equipment.
The most important part of this equation is - Where are you located?
I’m in south central Indiana….
Call Roger Tappy in Fortville, In.
317-485-5258 or 317-485-7616
Thanks for all the comments. I am in the Black Hills of South Dakota. I’ve started an inventory that I can post here and I can also post photos. It seems as though those of you who responded are more east than I am.
I am in Dayton, Ohio and would interested in seeing what you have. I am lightly looking for a few more things to add in my shop.
I am looking for Ludlow items
Also a Monotype Material caster.
many other items.
THeo 3308988863