Leader Deckle Edge Machine, Made by Lester & Wasley

Has anyone out there ever heard of or seen one. I have one but it was taken apart and not sure if parts are missing or where they might go. If anyone might know where or whom to contact, that would be great. Pictures would be a big help or a copy of a manual.
I have seen people asking in the “Discussion” about how to deckle, well with a little help I might be able to make it a reality to some folks who would like thier stock deckled.
Thank you in advance!

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Try searching the on-line Patents. You might find some usable information, even if it is not for your particular machine.


Thanks, did find some info that way, just not enough.
Our unit has some unique items that make you look, figure what it does and then the next piece is like not so fast something missing or posibalby backward somewhere else. Its been fun!


Did that machine come from Durico Paper? I believe George had a deckle machine at one time.


Yes Mike you are correct. When we bought 426 French from him, there were a couple of machines he had horse traded for. Among them a hi-diecutter, 2 rosback rotary perforators, a Lathem straightline perf, along with a bunch of punch machines.