Are you talking about a handpress? If you are, you won’t find an instruction manual. The best you can do is pick up a copy of Richard Gabriel Rummonds’ book “Printing on the Iron Handpress’. Simply the best and most complete source of information available.
If you have a Reliance press (an iron hand press) and you’re in North America I would like to add the press to the North American Hand Press Database. Please contact me through Briar Press. Thanks!
Are you talking about a handpress? If you are, you won’t find an instruction manual. The best you can do is pick up a copy of Richard Gabriel Rummonds’ book “Printing on the Iron Handpress’. Simply the best and most complete source of information available.
If you have a Reliance press (an iron hand press) and you’re in North America I would like to add the press to the North American Hand Press Database. Please contact me through Briar Press. Thanks!