Hire a professional to help
For a week, I waited for a friend that said me one day, when he had time he would come by and look at my control power panel on my Intertype. I tried to correct it myself. I wasted a week, got no place on getting it to work. Asked another printer for who he knows to fix the problem.
He gave me the name of his electrician, I called him that day. He came out the next afternoon. Walked to the control panel checked all the connection. Took the panel off in a minute or less, checked the on and off switch and told me there the problem. Got the part 15 minutes later from the supply house. And I was up and running in less than an hour.
Yes, it cost me for his training, but, in a short period of time I was up and running, by calling him. For a week I made 10 trips to the hardware store and still couldn’t get it to work.
When you find somebody who actually KNOWS what they are doing, not just assuming or guessing (or giving a line of BS, and distinguishing all these is a critical life skill), you are very very lucky. Other than Dave Seat there really aren’t many left who are willing, and reliable, to come to where the problem is. Understand that the real money is somewhere else.
Do anything you can to stay on the good side.
You know, I sometimes wonder if maybe all of us who still use letterpress to earn a living might need some sort of professional help.
The problem is, with the sharing economy of which this list is just one aspect, professional help is undervalued, and ultimately barely sustainable: just one traveling repairman for the whole country! And he’s even had to go overseas for work.
A few more here may get Seat to work on a Vandercook than a linecaster, but only after all the conflicting online advice fails to solve the problem. That might fit in with his schedule, but meanwhile, more damage to your equipment is possible.
It doesn’t bode well for all the metal artifacts we need to keep printing.