Wood type lock-up?

Hello! I was just looking at website about re-issue of Rob Roy Kelly type specimens < http://woodtyper.com/ > and there were pictures of amazing poster designs. Does anyone have or know of pictures that show the forms locked up? I’m curious how the type was arranged in arcs and how the spacing was used to put so much into a small area. How they do that?? All those layers, registered. Amazing! Thanks for information :)

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This is probably the most complex wood type form you will find photographed. I challenge you to top it!

Daniel Morris
The Arm Letterpress
Brooklyn, NY

image: columbia1.jpg

Check out Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/914106@N24/

There is a lot of good stuff in there, including some tricky angled lockups. It’s all in the ingenuity of it.

Amazing… I’m so impressed!

Thank you, everyone, for feeding my addiction :P Very impressive! Mr. Morris, that Hamilton lock-up nearly caused me to twitch out of my seat! I am humbled and boy, do I have a lot to learn. I’ll keep looking at these references. Thanks!
