A new book about the Columbian hand press
We have had some difficulties with the introduction of our Indiegogo campaign for funding our book project (see the BP classifieds for more info), and I hope those who have tried unsuccessfully to either view the page or make a contribution to the project will try again. The page is back in action this morning, and we have almost reached 10% of our goal. Your support helps ensure that this important contribution to knowledge of early printing technology is completed. Thanks!
Bob and Patrick
Count me in, guys. I’m excited to see the book. Happy New Year!
Daniel Morris
The Arm Letterpress
Brooklyn, NY
Update on the new book about the Columbian hand press: after a somewhat rocky start, the campaign is just about to end, and successfully — so far we’ve exceeded our goal by a bit over $200. Until Monday night Feb 24 it’s still possible to contribute if you want a copy of the 6 printed sheets comprising 96 pages, printed on an 1828 Columbian hand press. We have the paper, the type, the plates, and the press is ready — and the printers will be ready the second week in March.
A.L.P. Sirs, In the U.K. so can be of no practical use from this distance, Apologies, but have a fairly comprehensive, (personally owned) archive of Letterpress related volumes.
With reference to your Post above, Have in front of me now, a beautiful volume, *PRINTING WITH THE HANDPRESS* Lewes M. Allen, copyright 1969, Library of Congress, catalogue card 71-108910.
Several references to:- Columbian,s Washington,s Albion,s and briefly *Allen Press,s*. . Should it transpire that any section, after identification!! is worthy, I could post on line, page by page, OR, post surface mail, photocopied on air mail, or similar.???
One section in particular has caught my eye, just! I dont understand, but Hand Press devotees may, see it as of interest, and possibly put me straight.!!!
And I quote, *Methods of Guides for FOUR-DECKLE Paper* ??? … And what in the name of Tolbert Lanston! or Charles Darwin!! is a HUMIDOR???
One more quote, re the Author, >>>Now He, and his wife are the only full time professional handpress Printers in the World, ??? >>>been producing limited editions, hand set type, dampened handmade or mold-made paper with such Presses, as Columbian, Acorn-Smith, Albion and Washinton, etc etc >>+ the Allen Press is in the San Francisco Bay Area.?? …
Copyright 1969, if all the foregoing be (known) out of date and rubbish, accept my Apologies.
If I can quote, or reproduce any part, once identified, I will be happy, so to do. Good Luck, Mick.
Deckle-edge = the rough edge of hand-made paper; presumably four-deckle = an uncut sheet possessed of its original deckle edges on all four sides.
Humidor = humidity-controlled chamber, typcially used by cigar afficiandos to store cigars at a carefully controlled and constant himidity; sometimes used by hand-printers to store pre-damped paper for a day or a few days before use.
Mick just think cigar storage gizmo ,you keep paper stable in it but on a huge scale , a mini humidifier in sorts .